Bollywood actor John Abraham was awarded with Ecowarrior award-2008 for his social responsibility in maharashtra by Vice President of India Mohommad Hamid Ansari on Thursday.It is organized by Earth Matters Foundation here.

On the occasion of World Environment Day, the EcoWarrior awards were given out as recognition and to honour the crusaders who worked towards the cause of environment silently.The award function coincided with World Environment Day.
Vice president said that awareness is just about beginning and there is a need to carry this message to every classroom, every office and to everybody.
The award holder john reported that,this award will create awareness in the people and also said that every good work starts with silently and grows day by day which is helpful for the environment and also for human beings.John was the only one from bollywood from 15 people.

John Abraham said that "They are the real heroes who have gone ahead and done great things for the environment".Speak up for animals and take action to stop abuse when you see it. If you don’t, who will? You are the animals’ only hope.
Animals want to live just as much as you or I do. They have feelings, just like us. They feel happy, sad, jealous and in love. Animals deserve to live a life free of torture. The least we can do is allow them that freedom.

Environment conserver, Mike Pandey and Chief Executive Officer of Prasar Bharati, B.S.Lalli, also joined on the occasion.
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